Dr Ningbin Zhang

Post Doctoral Researcher

I am an electron microscopist with a PhD in materials physics and chemistry, my research interests involve solving fundamental materials problems by aberration corrected transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy, understand the relationship between structure and property of novel materials.



Ningbin obtained a Bachelor’s degree inMaterials Science and Engineering (2013) from Nanchang University, China, he complete a PhD (2019) in Materials Physcis and Chemistry from University of Science and Technology of China under the supervision of Prof. Xiuliang Ma and Prof. Yinlian Zhu, his research focused on Aberration Corrected Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of Oxygen Vacancies in Ferroic Lanthanum Cobaltate Films.

Ningbin  is currently a postdoctoral researcher in TEMUL group, working on the SFI project, POLARIS, investigating the properties of novel 2-D ferroelectrics employing state-of-the-art Transmission Electron Microscopy, conducting experiments under various in-situ conditions including heating, biasing, and atmospheric environment.