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Open Positions: Post Doctoral Researcher in Transmission Electron Microscopy

Post doctoral research positions are currently available in the TEMUL group for the POLARIS project. The aim of the project is to establish and investigate the potential and properties of novel 2-D materials including 2-D ferroelectrics and dynamic 1-D domain walls therein.
  • Prof Ursel Bangert

PDRA positions are available on a Horizon 2020 Frontiers for the Future project POLARIS. The aim of the project is to establish and investigate the potential and properties of novel (recently discovered) 2-D materials, i.e., 2-D ferroelectrics and (dynamic) 1-D domain walls therein, to improve and advance materials systems for functionalities in nano(opto)-electronics. These materials have the potential of shrinking electronic devices down to quantum levels, and the aspired 2-D ferroelectrics functionalities in this project have so far not been achieved and devices developed to employ these functionalities constitute a truly first.

The project will be carried out within the TEMUL group on a world class facility in the Bernal Institute at the University of Limerick ( in Science and Engineering ( An FEI Titan Themis (double corrected, monochromated) transmission electron microscope with full analytical capacities (Super-EDX and Quantum EEL spectroscopy) will be used to assess and reveal, on the atomic scale, the structure of materials grown in this project. Atomic structure imaging and spectroscopy (i.e, via phase contrast and high angle annular dark imaging, as well as via EDX and EELS, including low loss EELS), will furthermore be carried out in-situ, e.g, under heating, biasing and at cryo conditions.

The tasks will be to create, assess and tailor 2-D ferro-electrics, which requires atomic-scale characterisation of these materials via high resolution transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy. Two experienced researchers with expertise in imaging and characterisation of nano- and 2-D materials, are needed. Expertise in imaging, using double aberration corrected, monochromated TEM and STEM, also including in-situ imaging, as well as energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and electron energy loss spectroscopy, is essential, and knowledge in focused ion beam (FIB)/SEM procedures, as well as in atomic force and piezo force microscopy is desirable.

Further information on the position can be found at the links below. Closing date for applications is 31st January 2021.

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