Dr Eileen Courtney – Past member

PhD Student

Eileen joined the group as an undergraduate student in the University of Limerick, working on her final year project.

Curriculum vitae

+353 061237725



Eileen joined the group as an undergraduate student at the University of Limerick, working on her final year project. The project, titled “Is seeing believing? Simulation of atomic resolution electron microscopy images”, centred on the simulation of transmission and scanning transmission electron microscopy images of graphene and MoS2, for comparison with experimental images of these 2D materials. The project won the award for Best Undergraduate Final Year Project in the MSSI 2016. Eileen received her BSc.  In Applied Physics in 2016. During her degree, she worked for Analog Devices Inc., Limerick as a failure analyst.

She is currently a PhD candidate under the supervision of Prof. Ursel Bangert. Her research focuses on the interaction of metals and two-dimensional materials including transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) for the electronics industry, studied via electron microscopy and spectroscopy.