The TEMUL Toolkit is a python image and data analysis package designed by members of the TEMUL group in the University of Limerick. It…
Early in July 2019, TEMUL had the wonderful opportunity to join hundreds of scientists in the welcoming city of Manchester for the Microscience Microscopy…
Research Soapbox highlights how research can make a real difference. Eileen Courtney represented TEMUL at the event, giving a short talk entitled "2D Materials…
PhD student Kalani Moore spent 2 months interning at Prof Boon Ooi's Photonics research group. He has been working on low loss EELS analysis…
Members of the TEMUL group attended the 19th International Microscopy Congress held in Sydney, Australia, where they presented their latest microscopy results. The theme…
Dr. Michele Conroy was selected as one of the early career researchers to attend the International Federation of Societies for Microscopy Young Scientist Assembly.
PhD student Eileen Courtney travelled to the Royal Institution in London in May, to take part in IOP's Three Minute Wonder Competition. 12 early…
Members of the TEMUL set out for the MSI Symposium in Sligo, from 23rd to 24th April 2018. The symposium gathered attendees from all…
As Guest Editor of a Special Issue of the 'Molecules' journal entitled "Graphene-Based Materials for Supercapacitor Applications", it is my pleasure to invite you to submit an article on this topic, if this is within your remit.
Following the success of the kick-off meeting previously held in Bristol, the MagnaPharm consortium descended upon the University of Limerick to discuss progress and…
Professor Ursel Bangert, gave an animated talk on ‘Mad Atoms Tea Party’ at this year's Limerick Pint of Science.
The invited speakers of the MSI2015 symposium in Limerick offered a broad interdisciplinary view of current microscopies, addressing a variety of techniques from Ptychography,…